Newsletter n.2 nov2013


The Logical Town Association 2013 Annual conference will be held in Lucca the next 6th December 2013

The event will be organized by the Municipality of Lucca and the IEE project ENCLOSE (ENergy efficiency in City LOgistics Services for small and mid-sized European Historic Towns, During the event, both technical and regulatory aspects about the sustainable approach to city logistics will be discussed involving European stakeholders experienced in eco-friendly freight distribution, cutting edge technologies and operational schemes specific for mid and small sized historic towns.


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An interview with Giorgio Ambrosino about smart city, smart mobility and related ICT issues

Mr. Giorgio Ambrosino is the technical coordinator of the European IEE ENCLOSE project focused on logistics services and energy savings for the European small and medium size cities. Ambrosino has more than 30 years of experience in technical assistance to Public Authorities and Transport operators on ITS system, urban mobility, public transport and city logistics. The interview to Mr. Ambrosino outlines the definition of “Smart City” as well as several aspects of smart cities of the including methods to face environmental, energy, mobility problems in urban context and innovative technologies supporting all these aspects. Moreover the crucial importance of city stakeholders is highlighted in order to successfully implement a smart approach to mobility and transport in European cities.


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Smart, Green and Integrated Transport
Information Day - 18th December 2013, Brussels

The first round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport challenge of the new Horizon 2020 Framework Programme will be published at the end of the year.
To support the preparation of proposals, the Transport Directorate of the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Directorate-General is organising an Information Day on 18 December 2013 from 9 AM till 6 PM in the Charlemagne building, rue de la Loi 170, Brussels.
The aim of the day is to inform potential participants in the first round of calls under the Smart, Green and Integrated Transport Challenge of the new Horizon 2020 Framework Programme and to offer some unique opportunities for networking.

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